Honesty or let me beat you w/ my moral bat?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Women- Flawed in amazing ways- encouraging those we love

 One Flaw In Women

 Women have strengths that amaze men.....

 They bear hardships and they carry burdens,

 but they hold happiness, love and joy.

 They smile when they want to scream.

 They sing when they want to cry.

 They cry when they are happy

 and laugh when they are nervous.

 They fight for what they believe in..

 They stand up to injustice.

 They don't take "no" for an answer

 when they believe there is a better solution.

 They go without so their family can have.

 They go to the doctor with a frightened friend.

 They love unconditionally.

 They cry when their children excel

 and cheer when their friends get awards.

 They are happy when they hear about

 a birth or a wedding.

  Their hearts break when a friend dies.

 They grieve at the loss of a family member,

 yet they are strong when they

 think there is no strength left.

 They know that a hug and a kiss

 can heal a broken heart.

 Women come in all shapes, sizes and colors.

 They'll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you

 to show how much they care about you.

 The heart of a woman is what

 makes the world keep turning.

 They bring joy, hope and love.

 They have compassion and ideas.

 They give moral support to their

 family and friends.

 Women have vital things to say

 and everything to give.



ENCOURAGEMENT- will you, do you, are you?
I wonder each day I wake up, do I encourage those around me? Do I do it in a loud way that they really can hear- do I do it in a small quiet manner that they just feel, ever so slightly- but feel none the less?  I know each day can be different and challenging for women, no matter if you are a working or staying at home or working at home and or schooling your children each day.  I think back over the years… I was so much better at this subject with one child in our home, who went to school ea day and therefore I could work- have time to myself some days and even have a long conversation with another person to have opportunities’ to “encourage”.   To do that now- homeschooling my two youngest is nearly impossible from day to day.  I do know a woman however, who does not even realize how she quietly encourages me- she sends out an email, I would say every month or two to other home schooling moms that she knows and loves.  Her words reach me in many deep and sometimes needed ways- God uses her as the quiet encourager in my life- I look forward to her emails and they always come at the right time- how God works that out. I find it so interesting that we as women have those type of people in our lives- each of them bringing the unique but oh so needed gifts to the table of life, our life.  I pray every day I would never be the dark cloud in someone’s life- if I can help it.  Those who are in my life that I communicate with on a regular basis- I always hope I bring light into their world- I do know those of you who are thinking right now about needed correction- iron sharpens iron etc… I agree with that- but even with those moments- there should be a bright spot of change/hope/love/encouragement if its done in the manner that God has intended- what happens when two pieces of iron hit ea other?... there is sparks, sparks=light and so on…..  This is the time of year that everyone is filled with the Holiday JOY-  I really desire people in my life who goes beyond that. I must then ask myself -do I go beyond that- Do I look for those who need encouragement. Am I sensitive to those who look as if they need words to move them forward in where they are in life- Am I praying for opportunities and people to help,encourage and love with HIS WORDS----Words are powerful tools and can be used for many great or evil things- they can help and hurt- how are you using your words today?
Are your words encouraging those around you? In big or small ways- you would be surprised how far something sincere and from the heart can go in today’s world of harsh comments~
1 Timothy 6:11 ...pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness.

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