Honesty or let me beat you w/ my moral bat?

Monday, November 1, 2010

Moral regulations on your friends- or gentle correction- all in the name of GOD

I have recently been corrected for how I believe from a dear friend that has been in my life for many many years now.  However it was not over my behavior but over how one of my adult children is behaving.  The funny thing is, he is behaving pretty well. It really comes down to a moral issue- I believe no matter what we must treat ea person we come into contact with in our lives with love and respect, including our children if not so with more of the above.  The great thing is we dont all have to agree with "me".  I think the hardest thing for me is when some people do this CORRECTION all in the name of God.... but you dont feel as if there was any GOD in it at all.... Now I understand there will be and will forever be many different opinions on this issue.  Where I stand is this- Love your God with all your heart- lean not onto your own understanding- acknowledge Him in all you do and he will make your path straight....I cannot speak for my adult children and how they want to follow God or where their faith is leading them. I can say that I as a mom did all I could to teach them in the way I know was right and to love God and others w/ out conditions and to have a moral core in them that they would be proud of.  When they get older they dont always do what you think they should, they have to make choices on their own- but we as parents need to love them- support them as much as we can w/ out hurting others.  I look at each of my children with such amazement- one has had to over come such prejudice in many areas and with great confidence and success's, another who has a disability and is dealing with all that entails and doing it with such strength and love and last my little girl who still is finding her way but doing it with a boldness and will stand up for injustice in a heart beat.  Each of them are so unique and amazing- I am beyond blessed to have these children in my life- as one of these kids told me last week... the wonderful part of having kids is not that they turn out to be mirror images of you as parents but so different and all the best parts of you show- how amazing is that- I had to agree... AMAZING~ and to have God be part of this puzzle we are in makes it worth every heartbeat, even if it means losing some other people in the process- my thought will always be GOD first- Family second- Friends third.... and so on...
(( so I shall write.....))

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